Cost Controller

The Cost Controller is responsible for controlling the project’s cost. These services include planning for costs, cost estimating, budget development and control, cost projecting, analysis, and reporting. The Cost Controller plays a key role in understanding whether the project will come in on budget and/or when the project’s cost trajectory is going wrong.

  • On medium to large projects, Cost Controllers are key to understand the impact of decisions on the overall cost of the project.
  • Throughout the duration of the project, the Cost Controller provides the Project Manager with a line of sight of the project costs.
  • Cost Controllers reduce the project’s execution risk, as Project Managers can act timeously on costs that start to escalate above the approved budget.

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Cost Controller

Key Functions


Develop or assist with the development of the cost management plan.


Set up and manage an effective cost control system, order placement and approval processes.


Assist with the Basis of Estimate, estimating plan, and project cost planning for the next project phase, including capital expenditure and operating expenditure.


Ensure the costs are aligned to the Bill of Quantities and the schedule.


Ensure that proper cash flows are developed (costs are baselined).


Ensure accurate reporting of all requested cost metrics to relevant stakeholders and escalate when appropriate.

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