Document Controller

A Document Controller takes responsibility for the orderly flow and storage of project documents. They report to Project Controllers or Project Managers and are responsible for establishing the document control processes and procedures on the project. Once these processes and procedures are implemented, they enforce that all relevant stakeholders adhere to the stipulated standards. They apply document configuration management and ensure that documents are correctly named, numbered, stored.

  • A Document Controller can provide the administrative support that large and complex projects require to develop effect document control processes and procedures.
  • Capital projects often require a team of professional and experienced Document Controllers to manage the administration of the vast quantity of project documents.
  • A Document Controller frees up the time of the Project Manager and project team members, thus enabling them to focus on other core functions.

Key Functions

Develop and maintain document management plan and a project file structure

Establish workflow requirements.

Align document files with a Master Record Index or Document Management System (Coding and naming convention and versions).

Manage repository and maintain a document transmittal register.

Perform Document Control on all project documents, including drawings.

Create documents on demand and maintain a Master Record Index for all project documents.

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